Wednesday 20 May 2020

Medicine case

I am an intern in medicine I am sharing this  case as important terms of completion of my internship
  I got this history from my 2nd year pg sir


A 30 years old male patient who is Shepard by occupation presented to our op with bilateral pedal edema extending up to knee and also with dyspnea on exertion since 15 days and he also given the history of palpitations since 1 year .
Decresed urine output since 2 days.

Patient apparently asymptomatic 1 year back then he developed the palpitations which were persistent and ponding type  and get precipitated on exertion and relieved by taking rest, patient started to have dry cough without  any expecteration in last 15 days he first became brethless for walking for a short distance. He also reported in getting upstairs and walking from one day before coming to hospital
  He reported he never felt dyspnic before and never felt orthopnea or PND
 He has no H/o fatigue ,no H/o cyanosis or hemoptysis
 He has no H/o jaundice & no hesitency and frequency in micturation

Past history
 No history of similar complaints in the past
No H/o DM ,HTN,TB,Branchial asthma

Personal history
Appetite - decreased
Sleep - inadequate
Bowel & bladder movements - regular
No addictions
No known allergies

Family history
They reported no history of similar complaints in family

General examination
Patient is concious , coherent and cooperative 
Moderately built and moderately nourished
Pallor- absent 
Cyanosis - absent 
Clubbing - absent
Lymphadenopathy- absent
Edema- bilateral pitting type of pedal edema extending upto knee

He has undecended testis ( cryptorchidism) ,very less facial hair ,no axillary hair,less pubic hair belonging to tanner stage 4

Temperature: afebrile
Pulse:. 124 beats /minute
Respiratory rate: 20 cycles/ min
Blood pressure: 120/70 mmHg examined on supine position

Cardiac examination:

-Visible pulsation over tricuspid and mitral areas 
-Apex beat felt over 5th intercostal space  with in mid clavicular line  which is forceful and well sustained
-Right ventricular heave is present
-jvp raised with prominent 'a' wave
-s1 and s2 were heard with prominent p2

Respiratory examination:
Bilateral air entry present  with normol vesicular breath sounds
Abdominal examination:

Abdomen is soft ,nontender, all quadrents are moving equally with respiration
No organomegaly ,bowel sounds are heard
The patient is consious , coherent, cooperative, oriented to time ,place and person
HMF are intact 
Minimental score is 28
Patient is like high stepping gait 

Motor system examination:
                                  Right.                 Left
Bulk:UL.                    N.                        N
          LL.                    N.                        N

Tone:UL.                   N.                        N
           LL.                   N.                        N. 

power: UL: biceps.          :     4/5
                     Triceps.        :.    4/5
                     Deltoid.        :.    5/5
            Wrist flexors.       :     4/5 
             Wrist extensors. :.   4/5
       LL: glutius.                : 5/5
              Iliosoas.               :4/5
              Quadriceps.        :3/5
              Gastronemius.   : 4/5
                                          RT.                   LT
                Corneal.           P                     P
                Conjuctival.     P.                    P
                Abdominal.     P.                    P
                Cremastric.      P.                    P
                Plantor.            P.                    P
              Biceps.             +1.                    +1.  
              Triceps.            +1.                    +1 
             Supinator.         +1.                    +1
              Knee jerk.         +1.                    +1
             Ankle jerk.         +2.                    +2
 Sensory examination :
         Anterio lateral senses are intact on both sides
         Dorsal tract senses  are also intact 
         Tactile localisation is Normal
         Two point descrimination impaired on lower limbs
Cerebellum:finger nose test : rapid
                      Finger - finger test : rapid
                      Coordination: intact       
 Absent meningial signs
Skull and spine are normal   

Provisional diagnosis:
-Right ventricular failure with primary Pulmonary artery hypertension
-Hypogonadism (tanner stage 4)
-Lower limb proximal myopathy
-Oral candidiasis with poor oral hygiene 
- impaired glucose tolerence

Treatment given

Tab. Pantop 40 mg po/ OD
Inj. Lasix 20 mg iv/ BD
Inj. Thiamine 1amp. in 100 ml NS
Inj. Optineurin 1amp in 100 ml NS
Tab sildenafil 10mg po OD
Tab benformet plus od

On diuretic therapy and vaso dilator therapy patient got better and discharged in stable condition

Advice at discharge
Fluid (1.5 to 2 L/day) and salt (2 gm /day) restriction
Tab sildenafil 10 mg po/bd
Tab benformet po/OD for 2 weeks
Chlorhexidine oral gargles for two weeks
Oral candid paint
Diet according to Harvard plate 
Work up for FSH,LH,GNRH
Review after 2 weeks
Thyroid profile
Thyroid profile